LASIK Laser Centre Jalandhar

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Refractive cataract surgery is a revolutionizing vision solution for senior-aged people.

What is Refractive cataract surgery?

Refractive cataract surgery begins similarly to conventional cataract surgery. Your normal eye lens is removed. It is, however, replaced by a modern multi-focal lens that also corrects your eyesight   (Refractive errors). Refractive cataract surgery can address near-sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Refractive cataract surgery is changing the way we think about vision correction. This new vision treatment combination helps people see clearly without glasses or contacts, particularly those having trouble seeing clearly because of cataracts or refractive errors.

The surgery is quick and painless, and most people notice a change in their Vision right away. The healing time is short so you can get back to your normal activities quickly. Furthermore, the long-term benefits of refractive cataract surgery go beyond improved visual acuity to improve general quality of life.

Where can I do Refractive Cataract Surgery in Jalandhar?

At LASIK LASER CENTRE JALANDHAR, a unit of Duggal Eye Hospital Jalandhar, we have the ultra-modern Refractive cataract surgery suite to give you a feeling of Wow and restore the Vision of your youthful days. Duggal Eye Hospital is rated amongst the best eye hospital in Jalandhar, being at the forefront of technological advancements. We help individuals of all age groups get rid of eyeglasses from age 19 onwards. For a brighter, sharper future, say goodbye to cataracts and glasses and embrace the clarity and ease of refractive cataract surgery.

PRESBYOND TECHNOLOGY: Vision Options for People Aged Between 55 Years & above

The way we see changes as we age at LASIK LASER CENTRE JALANDHAR. Vision changes begin in youth and continue after age 40; near eyesight declines in the 40s, referred to as presbyopia. Around 50, cataracts gradually begin to impair Vision.

To set up your free Presbyond consultation at @LASIK LASER CENTRE JALANDHAR, call 1234567890. Lasik Laser Centre is an advanced department of Duggal Eye Hospital Jalandhar

What is  Presbyopia? As you step into your 40s, it’s important to be aware of how presbyopia, a common condition at this age, affects near Vision. The Presbyond is a near-vision treatment method that allows your spectacle-free life for near-vision problems. The Presbyond method gives you customized solutions that fit your specific way of life. This way makes interventions fit your daily activities, whether you’re a big reader, a digital fan, or someone with a wide range of visual needs.

How to get for Presbyond treatment? The Presbyond method starts with a complete eye health check at our Lasik Laser Centre – an advanced vision correction centre of Duggal Eye Hospital Jalandhar. This step makes sure that we have a clear picture of your vision profile, which lets us create a personalized plan. After age 40, getting regular checkups and exams is very important for keeping your eyes healthy.
Check out our Presbyond video so you can make informed choices about your eye health. Get access to a lot of information that will give you power over presbyopia, the available treatments, and the advantages of taking charge of your Vision after age 40.

Insurances for Cataract, Presbyond, LASIK Surgery LASIK LASER CENTRE JALANDHAR

Several private insurance companies insure cataracts, and you can benefit from the cashless schess under your health insurance. Additinally Refractive Cataract Surgeries, Presbyond. LASIK, PRK, and ICL are partially also covered under insurance if the eye power is exceedingly high. However, some vision plans may offer savings, and you are advised to seek information from our LASIK counselors and TPA persons.

To set up your free consultation with our Cataract and refractive surgery counselorsat @LASIK LASER CENTRE JALANDHAR, call 1234567890. Note that Lasik Laser Centre is an advanced department of Duggal Eye Hospital Jalandhar

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